A Sheraton Rosewood Sofa Table
An elegant George III Sheraton period rosewood veneered sofa table; the top beautifully veneered with book matched rosewood and crossbanded in satinwood, tulipwood and kingwood above two frieze drawers which retain their original bone knob handles; raised on elegant end-supports which are boxwood strung and terminate in the original brass cap castors.
This table is of the most refined design. The cabinet-maker has carefully selected beautifully figured rosewood veneers which run the length of the top and are perfectly book matched. The top is then enhanced with no less than three crossbandings and eleven stringings in contrasting exotic woods. The cabinet-maker's attention to detail in designing this top is highlighted by the manner in which the crossbanding is mitred at the corners. Importantly this sofa table has survived in a high state of preservation retaining an excellent colour, its original turned bone knob handles and original brass cap castors.
Width with flaps down: 37"